Leek Patties

Leek Patties

To my mind leeks are an underrated vegetable.  My dear Mother was Sephardi and leeks were  part of her culinary repertoire. Leeks are one 8-10 vegetables and fruits traditionally served for different blessings on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. We called them Keftes de Prasa

I make these patties each year and they always receive a great reception, with some welcome finger licking as well!

To make about 15 patties

Selecting Leeks

Choose big fat juicy ones, with fresh green outer leaves, wash carefully. I use both white and green parts of the leek.

Leeks | Co+op


Chop about 3 leeks across wise and place in medium size pot and fry with olive  till they look soft.

ktzitzot prasa sephardi leek patties recipe passover dish jewish main

Meaty Version

Take a bowl and add about half a kilo of minced meat - what ever meat you choose, beef , chicken or turkey. - and mix in with the fried leeks. Add an egg, salt pepper and chopped parsley. If you have a couple of boiled potatoes they can be added to have that "gluing together" quality.

Vegetarian Version

The patties can be made without meat as well. In that case just add bread crumbs  and perhaps boiled potatoes to the leeks, form patties and fry

Gluten Free

The patties can also be made gluten free, as well, just add lentils or mash beans or potatoes with the fried leeks

18th Sep 2024 Barbara Shaw

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