Purim - a freedom to be ridiculous
Many far more learned than I can speak of the inner messages of the Megillah of Esther. I think of the festival and the joy it spreads for all ages. I am so pleased we have such joyful festival that gives us permission to be ridiculous and look ridiculous, to dress up and to play out our fantasies. Humour and the ability to laugh at ourselves and not ourselves too seriously gives so much important perspective.
I think of some other major religions and their lack of humour and emphasis on keeping honour and face and all that, and I am grateful.
Last night I went with my husband to see his cardiologist. He told us he was off to a Purim party for staff at the hospital. I asked him what he was dressing up as, he immediately showed me a picture of himself on his phone as a pirate. He said he wanted to be a pirate as a child and was pleased to dress up as one now. The earnest Specialist, being so human. This too is the strength and joy of Purim
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