To Bee or not to Bee that is the question, we say BEE! A delightful Rosh Hashanah décor piece, this beautiful golden plated Bee pin brooch will be sure to add a glint and spark to your Jewish New Year festivity. Created in Jerusalem and hand made this beautiful Rosh Hashanah Pin brooch pin is as sweet as honey and will brighten any outfit, a perfect gift. The brooch measures 1 inch x 0.7 Inch or 3 cm x 1.7 cm and is easy to clip on. Wear with delight and create a mesmerizing golden feel to your Rosh Hashanah night
- HANDMADE Golden plated Bee pin Brooch, created in Jerusalem in our own ethical all woman workshop. Made with love and care.
- AUTHENTIC original design by Barbara Shaw and Gabi the Jeweler, whose passion is to artistically present Israel and Judaica in a fresh way fusing the ancient with contemporary.
- HAND made. Gift packaged, a joy to give and receive. This is a winning Rosh Hashanah gift that is sure to bring a smile to anyone who receives it.
- THIS beautiful Golden plated Bee pin Brooch will delight everyone at your Rosh Hashanah festivities
- LOVE It or Your Money Back - if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase of our Pomegranate key chain for any reason, just email us and we'll refund your order in full, no questions asked.