Chutzpah or Feisty attitude is one of many Yiddish words have gone into everyday language, Yiddish is a Germanic language, originally spoken by the Jews of Central and later Eastern Europe, written in the Hebrew alphabet, and containing alot of words from Hebrew as well as numerous loans from Slavic languages. The Yiddish Language is juicy and speaks from the heart. My father spoke to me in Yiddish and by making products in Yiddish, I feel I am honoring his memory. This bag brings the yiddish language to life look cool and have some chutzpah (Attitude) with this cool tote bag.
- HANDMADE Tote Bag, Sewn and printed in Jerusalem in our own ethical all woman workshop. Made with love and care.
- AUTHENTIC original design by Barbara Shaw, who's passion is to artistically present Israel and Judaica in a fresh way fusing the ancient with contemporary.
- HAND Screen-Printed and sewn. Gift packaged. Large attractive size 14x15 inch. A joy to give and receive. This is a winning gift that is sure to bring a smile to anyone who receives it.
- THIS beautiful Tote Bag is great for everyday use, light shopping, school, yoga, gym, look cool while you're schlepping.
- LOVE It or Your Money Back - if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase of our Tote bag for any reason, just email us and we'll refund your order in full, no questions asked.